On June 30, about 650 people gathered in front of the Ohi nuclear plant reactor No.3 to stop it from restarting.
Anti-AKW-Proteste in Japan: Zustände wie in Gorleben - taz.de
Their protest was determined one making a barricade linked to their bodies to block the entrance to the plant gate. You can confirm clearly the barricade from ARD’s video aired June 30 or Guardian’s picture.
ARD’s video
Nuclear plant protests in Japan - in pictures | World news | guardian.co.uk
Guardian and Independent, and Associated Press as their source, underestimate the Ohi protesters. The total participants were not “dozens” !
Protests in Japan as nuclear power plant reopens | World news | guardian.co.uk
Protests as Japan restarts nuclear power plant - Asia - World - The Independent
1st Japan Reactor Goes Online Since Nuke Crisis (Associated Press)
Their protest continued from around 3 pm of June 30 to around 2 am of July 2 including ALL NIGHTS.
IWJ, Independent Web Journal, hosted a live broadcast of the action. The below are the recorded must-see videos.
http://www.ustream.tv/channel/iwj-fukui1 (right column)
http://www.ustream.tv/channel/iwj-fukui2 (right column)
http://www.ustream.tv/channel/iwj-oita1/videos (right column)
2012/07/01 17:09
2012/07/01 18:09
2012/07/01 18:52
2012/07/01 21:52
2012/07/01 22:52
2012/07/01 23:52
2012/07/02 00:52
2012/07/02 01:57
Recorded by @bcmys (https://twitter.com/#!/bcmys)
Must-see pictures
A woman presenting a yellow flower to a guard man
Women holding out umbrellas to riot cops
Ryuichi Sakamoto and other musicians created a sound track “ODAKIAS” which is a reverse of “Saikado Han-tai = No to Restart”.
CNN article is also a fake.
Japan restarts first nuclear plant after post-Fukushima shutdown - CNN.com
The protest began at the last Saturday afternoon, not “earlier on Sunday”!
“Before the March 2011 nuclear disaster, Japan had relied on nuclear energy for about 30% of its electricity needs, according to government figures.” - It is just 25% for 2010 according to the government statistics ! (http://www.enecho.meti.go.jp/info/statistics/denryoku/result-2.htm)
“Though no deaths have been attributed to the nuclear accident, the earthquake and tsunami killed more than 15,000 people in northeastern Japan.” - The death toll of the residents of special nursing homes near the Fukushima Daiichi plants due to coerced evacuation by the nuclear accident during March 1, 2011 and January 1, 2012 amounted about twice the same period of the previous year ! (the Mainichi Shimbun, March 4, 2012)
I have found through the government statistics that, in eastern Japan, the highest disease-caused mortality rises in one or more age segments after the nuclear accident are seen in relatively contaminated prefectures.
http://2011shinsaichiba.seesaa.net/article/273921452.html (Japanese)
http://www.mhlw.go.jp/toukei/list/81-1a.html (Government statistics)
On June 29, I joined the massive protest rally just outside the prime minister’s office. The Asahi Shimbun reported “Organizers said the crowd numbered 150,000 to 180,000, but Tokyo police estimated it at 17,000 strong.” The paper photo however shows just a tip of the massive protesters.
Even Noda startled by size of anti-nuclear protest outside his office - AJW by The Asahi Shimbun
Journalist Takashi Hirose organized “Genuine Heli Report Group” to shoot the real magnitude of the June 29 action.
Aerial video: Short version by OurPlanet
Complete aerial videos
2012/06/29 18:00 - 18:40
2012/06/29 19:00 - 19:40
“Dozens” of ground videos by IWJ
Professional photos
Other videos and photos including those by mainstream media
Prime Minister Noda says that they have to restart the nuclear power plants to protect the (economic) lives of citizens.
The Government have however continued to force children to live in the highly contaminated area surpassing 5.2 mSv/y, a radiation controlled area level designated by law. He should first protect our children.
All of the central government ministries and agencies in Kasumigaseki except Ministry of Defense do not purchase electricity from TEPCO because other electric power suppliers (PPS) provide more compelling power rates. TEPCO and other general power suppliers do not protect businesses too.
Kansai Electric Power Co. (KEPCO) and the adjacent power suppliers together have sufficient power supply this summer as Mr. Tetsunari Iida, executive director of Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies (ISEP) says.
http://www.npu.go.jp/policy/policy09/archive08_04.html (Japanese)
http://www.npu.go.jp/policy/policy09/pdf/20120507/iida_shiryo.pdf (Japanese)
The Government admits the restart is based on the transitional safety criteria which do not reflect the cause of the Fukushima accident. The governmental and congressional investigations of accident cause have not been focused on the effect of earth quake, asserting that the cause is only tsunami, but on the accident management.
Look at the very low coastal levee of the Ohi plant in the above ARD video. They ignore a new type of fault under the Ohi plant. The safety check is an evolved phase of myth and disguise.
A plethora of evidence of adverse health effects by low dose radiation has been accumulated. Below page summarizes some of such evidence.
http://2011shinsaichiba.seesaa.net/article/273231204.html (Japanese)
Power suppliers do not have right to operate and restart nuclear plants.
Mitsumasa Ohta