政府と一体化しているNHKに物を言いに行きます。下記要望書を窓口のNHKハートプラザ ( で届け、意見を伝えた後、NHK前の街頭で訴えます。ご参加ください。
NHK, keep independent from the government and carry out the mission as public broadcaster
To the NHK Management Committee
It seems that a political intervention against NHK has been revealed again. NHK broadcasted Today's Close-up with the topic of admitting of collective defense right by the mere cabinet decision resulting in the change of the Constitution, in the presence of Yoshihide Suga, Chief Cabinet Secretary, on July 3, 2014. Following the broadcast, weekly magazine Friday published on July 11 reported that the question by Hiroko Kunitani, Caster of Today's Close-up, was challenged by pressure from the Office of the Prime Minister.
NHK President Katsuto Momii denied the report by Friday on July 15, but Mr. Momii is not qualified to explain NHK’s political scandal of accepting such governmental pressure as is clear from a series of problematic remarks by himself.
It is the second that a political intervention against NHK is revealed when incumbent Prime Minister Abe is in the Cabinet. The first was when then Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Abe and others intervened beforehand against the NHK program "How War Should Be Judged" Vol.2 “Wartime Sexual Violence Need to be Questioned” broadcasted on January 30, 2001 and altered the contents significantly. If the report by Friday is true, it means that NHK’s habitude of integrating with the Government has never been changed from 2001.
While the recent political intervention is fatal, the fact that NHK’s programs such as Today's Close-up and NHK Special have not raised the same topic before the cabinet decision is also ever serious. This might be thanks to the Otomodachi-Jinij, favorable personnel affairs by Prime Minister Abe. It should be noted that the air after the cabinet decision is far less valuable in supporting democracy.
イスラエルによるガザ攻撃をめぐっての報道も、質の低さが際立っています。7月17日にキーワード「ガザ 占領」でNHKサイトを検索してみると、検索結果はわずか13件に過ぎず、ニュースに限ってみればたったの1件しかありません。対して英国BBCのサイトで同様の検索をすると、225件も見つかります。
NHK is also markedly in low level regarding its coverage on the Israeli aggression against Gaza. Searching for NHK website contents with keywords “Gaza Occupation” resulted in only 13 hits on July 17, or only 1 hit if limited to news contents, compared to 225 hits for BBC website.
It was Thursday Samurai Drama “Yoshiwarauradoshin” that came into eyes as the first visual when one accessed the NHK site on that day, whereas it was an image of Gaza aggression in the case of BBC. The difference is like night and day.
When the Japan-U.S. jointly developed fighter aircrafts are to be exported to Israel and used for Palestine aggression, such plight of NHK's coverage certainly represents awesome apathy. It is none other than shame for citizens to have such a “public broadcaster”.
Furthermore, regarding SDF support to U.S. forces in the Iraq war, NHK endlessly aired only the scene of water supply activity by SDF, but did not report the scene of transporting U.S. soldiers by the SDF airplane, which is posted on the U.S. military site in the form of photo. Is this work by the journalists receiving more than 10 million yen as annual salary? Too miserable.
NHK consistently has the approach that it integrates with the Government and airs in consideration of the Government’s intent. We request that NHK should urge President Momii and the Management Committee to resign as the first step to reform such approach. Even 172 retired NHK staff including former executives have asked the Management Committee to dismiss President Momii or advise him to resign. After that, please investigate the political intervention against Today's Close-up with an outside perspective.
Also, as for the new Basic Energy Plan and the approval of Sendai Nuclear Power Plant restart by the Nuclear Regulation Authority, we have many issues such as foggy evacuation plan and earthquake and volcanic eruption risks. While many residents and citizens show opposition and concern, NHK broadcasts in the manner of ignoring public opinion and considering the Government’s intent. We also ask NHK to improve such coverage.
Voluntary Citizens Calling for NHK’s Independency
長岩 均
Hitoshi Nagaiwa
Noriaki Nishio
Mitsumasa Ohta
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