




ただ、2000年の論文で既に高周波(7–10-MHz)による解像度1–2 mmの超音波診断装置が取り上げられている。

福島の子ども甲状腺検査ではnoduleのサイズが重要な診断基準になっているが、noduleの悪性度はそのサイズに関係がないことを示す研究(むしろ福島検査でA2判定として原則的に切り捨てている2–4 mmのリスクが一番大きい)もあり、米国内分泌学会などによる診断ガイドラインでは、穿刺吸引細胞診(FNA)を実施すべきカテゴリーの1つとして、noduleサイズに関係なく「小児期または青年期に頸部放射線照射の既往歴を持つ患者」を挙げている。




(5)外部放射線療法を16歳未満で受けた子どもでは、甲状腺noduleの数・サイズと悪性リスクの相関関係はなく(nodule数によって悪性率は一定だが、個人におけるがん発症リスクはnodule数が多いほど高く、むしろ2–4 mmのリスクが一番大きい)、サイズのみでは悪性リスクを予測できない



米国立衛生研究所のサイトなどで説明されているように、(英語圏における)thyroid noduleは「液胞としての嚢胞」、「甲状腺細胞の増殖塊」を包含する概念。

Thyroid nodule: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
Thyroid nodules are growths of cells in the thyroid gland. These growths can be:

- Not cancer (benign) or thyroid cancer
- Fluid-filled (cysts) or made up of thyroid gland cells
- One nodule or a group of small nodules

noduleは「結節」と翻訳され、「結節」は通常、solid nodule(充実性結節)の意味で使用される。


Thyroid nodule
Usha Sriram, MD
Lydia Marie Patacsil, MD

Most nodules are partially cystic with a solid element. Pure cysts comprise only about 1% of nodules.


Thyroid nodules in children are uncommon with a prevalence of 0.22% in 9- to 16-year-olds and 1.8% in 11- to 18-year-olds.

Thyroid disease in northern Italian children born around the time of the Chernobyl nuclear accident
Ann Oncol (December 2004) 15
F. Chiesa1 et al

Patients and methods: As the latency between exposure to ionising radiation and development of thyroid cancer is thought to be about 10 years, in 1996/1997 all children born in 1985 and 1986 and attending school in an area of Milan, Italy were examined for thyroid nodules. A total of 3949 children were examined by two physicians blinded to the examination and diagnosis of the other. The children were to be reassessed in 2001/2002.


Results: In total, 1% had palpable nodules. The nodule diagnoses were: Hurtle cell adenoma (one), thyroglossal duct cyst (one), thyroid cyst (four) and thyroiditis (four). The prevalence of thyroid disease in the cohort was indistinguishable from that of populations not exposed to radioactive pollution. Only 10 children re-presented for examination 5 years later; all were negative. The direct costs of the study were estimated at € 21 200.



2000年の論文で解像度1–2 mmの超音波診断装置が取り上げられている

Importance of Thyroid Abnormalities Detected at US Screening: A 5-year Follow-up
June 2000 Radiology, 215, 801-806.
Antti E. E. Brander, MD, Veli P. Viikinkoski, MD, Juha I. Nickels, MD and Leena M. Kivisaari, MD

High-frequency (7–10-MHz) US provides excellent resolution and enables detection of focal thyroid lesions 1–2 mm in diameter (9).

高周波(7–10-MHz)の超音波診断装置は解像度に優れ、直径1–2 mmの局所甲状腺病変の検出が可能(9)。(→超音波診断装置の精度が上がったので、福島県の子どもの甲状腺検査で高い検出率になった、という説明は何なのか?)

(9)Stark DD, Clark OH, Gooding GA, Moss AA. High-resolution ultrasonography and computed tomography of thyroid lesions in patients with hyperparathyroidism. Surgery 1983; 94:863-868.


欧州小児内分泌学会のサイトに掲載されている最近(2009年の参考文献が掲載されている)のJuliane Legérによる解説

Management of Thyroid Nodules in Children

Estimates of the prevalence of thyroid nodules in children depend on the method of detection, ranging from 1 to 1.5% for detection by palpation to 3% for detection on ultrasound scans.


Thyroid nodules: When to biopsy
Applied Radiology, Volume 36, Number 3, March 2007
Fauzia Q. Vandermeer, MD and Jade Wong-You-Cheong, MD(University of Maryland Medical Center)

Thyroid nodules are extremely common. In a frequently cited postmortem series, nodules were found in 50% of the study population. 1 Thyroid nodules are more prevalent with increasing age, but the majority of these nodules are undetectable by physical examination. 2 Palpable nodules occur in 4% to 7% of the population; however, high-resolution ultrasonography (US) reveals nodules as small as 2 mm in 35% to 67% of the general population.

甲状腺noduleは年齢とともに増加するが、これらnoduleのほとんどは身体診察で検出できない。触診可能なnoduleは一般群の4〜7%で見られるが、高解像度の超音波検査(US)では一般群の35〜67%において2 mmほどの小さなnoduleを検出することができる。

2010, Cilt 26, Sayı 2, Sayfa(lar) 147-152
DOI: 10.5146/tjpath.2010.01012
Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Pediatric Thyroid Nodules

The incidence of thyroid nodules in children by clinical examination is estimated at 1-1.5%. The incidence of a thyroid nodules in the general population is 19-35%. Malignancy develops in less than 5% of these1 while this rate can go up to 25% in childhood thyroid nodules1-5. There are also reports of a low incidence (2%) of malignancy development in nodules in this age6.


Pediatr Endocrinol Rev. 2008 Sep;6(1):14-23.
Thyroid nodules and cancers in children.
Josefson J, Zimmerman D.
Division of Endocrinology, Children's Memorial Hospital, Chicago, IL 60614, USA. JJosefson@childrensmemorial.org

The incidence of thyroid nodules in children is estimated to be 1 to 1.5% based on clinical examination. Children with thyroid nodules, compared to adults with thyroid nodules, have a fourfold greater risk of developing malignant thyroid disease.


Endocr Pract. 2006 Jan-Feb;12(1):63-102.
American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and Associazione Medici Endocrinologi medical guidelines for clinical practice for the diagnosis and management of thyroid nodules.
Gharib H, Papini E, Valcavi R, Baskin HJ, Crescenzi A, Dottorini ME, Duick DS, Guglielmi R, Hamilton CR Jr, Zeiger MA, Zini M; AACE/AME Task Force on Thyroid Nodules.
Endocr Pract. 2008 Sep;14(6):802-3.

Thyroid nodules are common and are frequently benign. Current data suggest that the prevalence of palpable thyroid nodules is 3% to 7% in North America; the prevalence is as high as 50% based on ultrasonography (US) or autopsy data.


Journal of Thyroid Research
Volume 2011 (2011), Article ID 845362, 7 pages
Review Article Thyroid Carcinoma in Children and Adolescents−Systematic Review of the Literature
Fernanda Vaisman, Rossana Corbo, and Mario Vaisman

Palpable thyroid nodules can be diagnosed in 4 to 7% of the adult population. The high-resolution ultrasounds are able to detect nodules around 19% of the adult population, reaching up to 67% in populations at higher risk such as women and elderly individuals [1]. Considering autopsy series, this prevalence can reach 50%. Although common, only 5% are malignant [2].


The incidence of clinically palpable thyroid nodules in children is estimated to be around 1–1.5%. However, in teenagers, this prevalence may reach 13% [8]. When compared to adults, children have four times greater risk of malignancy when a thyroid nodule is diagnosed. In the US, around 350 individuals aged less than 20 years receive the diagnosis of thyroid carcinoma annually [9]. In Brazil, the incidence can reach 2% of all pediatric cancers according to the National Cancer Institute database [10].


First, the tumor volume tends to be larger in patients with less than 20 years old when compared to patients diagnosed between 20 and 50 years [24]. Zimmerman et al. already showed, in 1988 [25], that newly diagnosed tumors were greater than 4 cm in 36% of children as opposed to 15% of adults and had less than 1 cm in 9% of children as opposed to 22% of adults. In series contemplating only patients with papillary carcinoma, only 1.5–3% of tumors had less than 1 cm size at diagnosis [26, 27].


The prognosis of these tumors in childhood is a very interesting issue. Despite having a greater recurrence rate when compared to adults, survival seems to be better [55]. Mazzaferri and Kloos in a series with 16.6 years of followup, found a recurrence rate, in patients with less than 20 years old, around 40%, while those with more than 20 years of age had 20% recurrence rates [24]. In contrast, survival is greater than in adults. In a study done in Minsk with a large cohort of 741 patients, the survival rate was 99.3% in 5 years and 98.5% in 10 years in a pediatric population [56].


Age seems to be a very important prognostic factor in thyroid cancer. Children and adolescents are usually classified as having a better prognosis and they are classified together with all patients under 45 years old. However, Lazar et al. showed that patients with less than 10 years, mainly prepubertal, had a worse prognosis than the older and more advanced pubertal stages patients [34].



Malignant and benign thyroid nodules after total body irradiation preceding hematopoietic cell transplantation during childhood
Eur J Endocrinol May 22, 2012 EJE-12-0073
Correspondence: Juliane Leger, Email: juliane.leger@rdb.ap-hop-paris.fr

Methods: We conducted a retrospective university hospital-based observational study. The participants were 76 patients receiving fractionated TBI between 1989 and 2009 as part of the conditioning regimen for HSCT to treat malignant hematologic disease, with a median age of 8.2 (5.7-11.4) years, for whom the last ultrasound examination was performed at a median age of 14.2 (11.2-17) years. The main outcome measure was cumulative incidence of thyroid nodules detected by ultrasound scans, followed by biopsy if necessary.

研究対象は、血液悪性疾患を治療するための造血幹細胞移植における前処置の一環として、年齢中央値8.2歳(5.7-11.4歳)で1989年から2009にかけ、放射線分割全体照射(fractionated TBI)を受けた患者76人である。超音波検査を最後に実施した時の年齢中央値は14.2歳(11.2-17歳)であった。

Results: Thyroid nodules were demonstrated in 21 patients (28%), six of whom (29%) were diagnosed with thyroid carcinoma 2.2 to 18.6 years after TBI. The cumulative incidence of nodule occurrence increased with increasing time from diagnosis. The 10-year cumulative incidence of benign and malignant thyroid nodules was 16% (95% CI, 4 to 27%) and 8% (9% CI, 0 to 16%), respectively. Seventeen patients (22%) had hypothyroidism (compensated n=12, in 5 of whom it was transient). No significant independent risk factors were identified in the multivariable competing risk model as a function of nodule occurrence.


Evaluation of Solitary Thyroid Nodule
Author: Daniel J Kelley, MD; Chief Editor: Arlen D Meyers, MD, MBA

Exposure of the head and neck to ionizing radiation increases the incidence of thyroid nodules. Radiation treatments were not uncommon in the first half of the twentieth century for benign conditions such as acne, adenotonsillar hypertrophy, and enlarged thymus glands. The prevalence rate of thyroid nodules in radiation-exposed patients increases significantly, ie, 16-31% relative to the general population. A direct dose-response relationship between thyroid nodularity and radiation to the head and neck region also exists.


(5)外部放射線療法を16歳未満で受けた子どもでは、甲状腺noduleの数・サイズと悪性リスクの相関関係はなく(nodule数によって悪性率は一定だが、個人におけるがん発症リスクはnodule数が多いほど高く、むしろ2–4 mmのリスクが一番大きい)、サイズのみでは悪性リスクを予測できない

Size, Number, and Distribution of Thyroid Nodules and the Risk of Malignancy in Radiation-Exposed Patients Who Underwent Surgery
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism June 1, 2008 vol. 93 no. 6 2188-2193
Dan V. Mihailescu and Arthur B. Schneider

Results: There were 612 malignant nodules in 358 patients and 2037 benign ones in 930 patients. There was no change in the risk that a nodule was malignant with increasing size (odds ratio 0.91/cm, P = 0.11) among the 1709 nodules that were 0.5 cm or greater. A solitary nodule had a similar likelihood of being malignant as a nodule that was one of several (18.8 vs. 17.3%), whereas patients with multiple nodules were more likely to have thyroid cancer than those with solitary nodules [30.7 vs. 18.7%; risk ratio 1.64 (1.27–2.13)]. Aspirating only the largest nodule would have missed 111 of the cancers (42%), whereas aspirating the two largest nodules would have missed 45 of the cases (17%), although none would have been 10 mm or greater.

[TABLE 2.  nodule(1mm以下の微小noduleは除く)の悪性率は孤立性で18.7%、2つで18.9%、3つで16.5%、4つ以上で16.7%、多発性全体で17.3%と、数によって変わらない。]

[Fig. 2. 甲状腺がん患者297人において1番目と2番目に大きなnoduleのみを穿刺吸引細胞診(FNA)で調べると、45人(17%、がんサイズにして10mm以下)が見落とされる可能性がある。]

Conclusions: In radiation-exposed patients, the following conclusions were made: 1) the likelihood that a nodule is malignant is independent of nodule number and size; 2) the likelihood of cancer is increased if more than one nodule is present; 3) evaluating the two largest nodules by fine-needle aspiration would have resulted in a significant number of cases being missed but none with large cancers; and 4) more than half of the patients with thyroid cancer had multifocal tumors.


In radiation-exposed patients, the likelihood that a nodule is malignant is independent of its size and how many nodules are present. The chance that a patient has cancer is increased when more than one nodule is present. These findings also support the recommendation in recently published guidelines that radiationexposed patients should receive special attention in terms of diagnostic evaluation.


Childhood radiation exposure increases the chance that a person will develop both benign and malignant thyroid nodules (1, 2, 3). Recently several endocrine organizations have released guidelines for evaluating and managing thyroid nodules (4, 5, 6, 7). They all recognize that in radiation-exposed patients, the size of a thyroid nodule alone is an inadequate predictor of the risk of malignancy and suggest that all nodules, including the small ones (<10 mm), should undergo fine-needle aspiration (FNA) evaluation. Additionally, they recommend total thyroidectomy when surgery is indicated in a radiation-exposed patient (5, 6, 7).

小児においては放射線被ばくによって良性・悪性の甲状腺noduleができやすくなる。最近、幾つかの内分泌学界が甲状腺noduleの評価・管理のためのガイドラインを公表した。これらはすべて、放射線被ばくを受けた患者においては、甲状腺noduleのサイズのみでは悪性リスクの予測因子としては不十分であること、また小さなnodule(10 mm未満)を含め、すべてのnoduleで穿刺吸引細胞診(FNA)評価を受けるべきことを認めている。また、放射線被ばく患者に手術が必要な場合は、甲状腺全摘術が勧告されている。

We have been studying a cohort of 4296 radiation-exposed patients treated for benign conditions in the head and neck area predominantly in the 1940s and 1950s; 1059 patients subsequently had surgery for nodular thyroid disease and form the basis of the current study. The goal was to use the surgical findings to evaluate the recently promulgated recommendations by determining how the size of a thyroid nodule, the number of nodules, and the distribution of nodules influence the risk of malignancy in radiation-exposed patients.


We performed a retrospective analysis of data obtained in a cohort study of 4296 patients who were younger than 16 yr of age when they received external radiation treatments for various benign conditions of the head and neck area from 1939 to 1962 at Michael Reese Hospital in Chicago. The Thyroid Follow-up Program began in 1974 when an effort was made to contact all irradiated patients, inform them about the radiation exposure, and invite them to participate in the study (8, 9).


The first finding of this study is that the likelihood that a radiation-related nodule is malignant is essentially independent of its size and the presence of other nodules. The decrease in cancer risk with increasing size is too small to be of any practical consequence and was seen only when we included very small (2–4 mm) nodules.

放射線関連のnoduleが悪性となるかどうかは本質的にそのサイズ、その他のnoduleの存在に関係ない。サイズの増加に伴うがんリスクの低減は非常に小さいため実際的影響はなく、この関係は非常に小さいnodule(2–4 mm)を含めた場合にのみ見られた(→Fig.1、2–4 mmのリスクが一番大きい)。

It is likely that many of these small nodules would not have been detected clinically before surgery. The American Thyroid Association guidelines recommend FNA evaluation of nodules larger than 1–1.5 cm with suspicious sonographic appearance or of the largest nodule only if none has suspicious sonographic features (5). The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and Associazione Medici Endocrinologi recommendations for evaluating patients with multiple nodules differ because they consider the ultrasound features the principal indication for evaluating nodules irrespective of their size (7). However, in the case of radiation-exposed patients, the guidelines from both organizations are concordant, recommending FNA evaluation of small, i.e. less than 1 cm thyroid nodules as well. Our results provide additional evidence to support the latter recommendation because we did not find any relation between the number of nodules and the risk of malignancy and only a very small effect of nodule size. The results reported by Imaizumi et al. (16) in atomic bomb survivors, in which both nodule volume and nodule volume change over time were not predictive of thyroid cancer, support this conclusion.



Long-Term Prognosis of Thyroid Nodule Cases Compared with Nodule-Free Controls in Atomic Bomb Survivors

Misa Imaizumi et al

Design, Setting, and Participants: This prospective study comprised 2637 atomic bomb survivors (mean age, 59 yr; 1071 men and 1566 women) who participated in the baseline thyroid study of the Nagasaki Radiation Effects Research Foundation from 1984 through 1987. The participants were divided into three groups at baseline by ultrasound findings: 82 cases of solid thyroid nodules other than cancer, 121 cases of thyroid cysts, and 2434 thyroid nodule-free controls.


Results: During the follow-up period, six thyroid cancer cases (7.3%) were found in the solid nodule group, seven cases in the controls (0.3%), and one case (0.8%) in the cyst group. In 31 cases with solid nodules diagnosed as benign, three cases (9.7%) developed thyroid cancer. The hazard ratio (HR) for cancer development was significantly high at 23.6 [95% confidence interval (CI), 7.6–72.8] in the solid nodule group (HR, 40.2; 95% CI, 9.4–173.0 in 31 people with solid nodules diagnosed as benign) but not in the cyst group (HR, 2.7; 95% CI, 0.3–22.2), after controlling for age and sex. Sex, age, TSH level, thyroglobulin level, radiation dose, nodule volume, and increase in nodule volume did not predict cancer development in the solid nodule group.

フォローアップ期間中、甲状腺がんは6例(7.3%)が充実性結節群で、7例(0.3%)が対照群で、1例(0.8%)が嚢胞群で見られた。良性と診断された充実性結節の有所見者31人では、3例(9.7%)が甲状腺がんを発症した。がん発症のハザード比(HR)は、年齢と性で調節後、充実性結節群で23.6[95%信頼区間(CI)、7.6–72.8]と有意に高いが(良性と診断された充実性結節の有所見者31人では、HR, 40.2; 95% CI, 9.4–173.0)、嚢胞群では有意でなかった(HR, 2.7; 95% CI, 0.3–22.2)。性、年齢、TSH値、サイログロブリン値、放射線量、結節サイズ、結節サイズの増加は、充実性結節のがん化における予測因子とならなかった。


American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, Associazione Medici Endocrinologi, and European Thyroid Association Medical Guidelines for Clinical Practice for the Diagnosis and Management of Thyroid Nodules How to Select Nodule(s) for FNA Biopsy (Grade B; BEL 3):

o Of any size with patient history of neck irradiation in childhood or adolescence; PTC,MTC, or MEN 2 in first-degree relatives; previous thyroid surgery for cancer; increased calcitonin levels in the absence of interfering factors

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