国会 東京電力福島原子力発電所事故調査委員会
国会事故調 報告書が公表されました。ダウンロードはこちらから。 | 国会 東京電力福島原子力発電所事故調査委員会
4号機4階が爆発か 3号機から水素流入説強まる 東電(2011年11月10日)
Fukushima FOIA Data | Enformable
FOIA Documents Related to Fukushima Daiichi Reactor 4 | Enformable
March 15th, 2011 – Fukushima Daiichi Units Degrading – Zirconium Fire at Reactor 4 SFP – Reactor 2 Possible Reactor Vessel Breach & Ex-Vessel Core Reaction | Enformable
Unit 4 has a dry spent fuel pool. This unit was in a refueling outage with a hot core offloaded to the pool. It appears a zirconium fire may be in progress.
March 15th, 2011 – NRC Calculated Fukushima Unit 4 SFP Boil-Off Decay Times 20 – 90 – 365 Days | Enformable
Fukushima Daiichi unit 4 may be having a spent fuel pool meltdown.
March 15th, 2011 – The fire’s back in unit 4 – Unit 4 pool has a full core load in it and needs full attention – Holes in the upper structure from the earlier hydrogen explosion in unit 4 | Enformable
I also heard there were holes in the upper structure from the earlier hydrogen explosion in unit 4.
March 15th, 2011 UPDATE: 2000 EDT Telecon on Fukushima Daiichi – Unit 4 New Fire Broken Out – Doses in Area around 30R/hr | Enformable
Unit 4 remains problematic. A new fire has broken out. Doses are stable in the area of Unit 4 around 30R/hr. Fire fighting and pool cooling strategy still being worked out.
* I asked Grobe (yep lots of questions from me tonight), if TEPCO was cycling operators in and out of the site to relieve personnel. No info on that other than TEPCO did evacuate nonessential personnel. Five individuals may have received a lethal dose.
March 16th, 2011 – Unit 4 SFP walls have collapsed – Fuel may no longer be intact | Enformable
The walls of the Unit 4 spent fuel pool have collapsed, and there is no water in there. There were a large number of fuel assemblies in the pool, and the fuel may no longer be intact. The radiation levels are increasing so much that it may prove difficult to work on the other 5 reactors at the site, which could lead to more fuel damage and releases.
March 16th – Reactor 2 Explosion – Fires in Reactor 4 – Onagawa NPS levels 6.1 uSv/h | Enformable
The fire at Unit 4 occurred. Fire extinguishing work was underway. (09:38 March 15th)
NRC Fukushima Transcripts – Evidence of fuel or very highly radioactive material outside of Reactor 4 after explosion | Enformable
http://enformable.com/2012/03/nrc-transcripts-evidence-of-fuel-or-very-highly-radioactive-material-outside-of-reactor-4-after-explosion/JACK: Yes, Mike, I don’t know that we’ve had anybody say that the fuel is covered with water.
What I can tell you is there’s clear evidence of a very significant hydrogen explosion. The only source of hydrogen that could feed that explosion is the spent fuel pool, so there must have been very, very high temperature zirconium interacting with water.
There is no visible vapors emanating from Unit 4 spent fuel pool area, which would be indicative of no water. It could also be indicative of a fully cooled core. That does not there is no source of cooling water going into the spent fuel pool, so to have a very significant hydrogen explosion, and then to think about the fuel being covered, those are kind of non sequitur concepts.
We do know that there were parts of debris, that the areas of debris around Unit 4 after the explosion which were contributing to very significantly high dose rates, and I understand that bulldozers were used to bulldoze that debris under some soil shielding, and the dose rates went down dramatically. That would be an indication that were fragments of fuel since there’s no other source of substantial radioactive material which would have been involved in that explosion.
So, there’s indication of a very significant hydrogen explosion. I want to make sure that it’s clear that we don’t know this. We are just interpreting this from the visual evidence that we have, as well as the radiological measurements.
There’s evidence of a very significant hydrogen explosion. There’s evidence of fuel or some very highly radioactive material outside of the building after that explosion. And there’s no evidence of water vapor, which would tell us that the spent fuel pool is dry.
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