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16 March 2011
Japan’s Tragedy ? Tohoku Earthquake and Fukushima Nuclear Plants
Japanese are not informed of the truth
Takeichi Saito
Representative, Iwanai Nuclear Plant Study Group
Hokkaido, Japan
The ten nuclear power reactors of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear
Plant are falling into serious problems after one another. We
Japanese are not informed why such accidents are happening.
Neither are we informed of the real tragedy to come. Even now
the power company, the government, experts on nuclear power
energy and the media are hiding the truth from the Japanese
people, continuing deceiving us.
1. Weakness of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant
There are two types of nuclear reactors, the pressure type (PWR)
and boiling type (BWR), and the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear
reactors are the latter. There are two weaknesses in the BWR.
One is that the control rods, which should function as a break,
are inserted from the bottom. Control rods are in the shape of a
bamboo spear, and hang under a pressure vessel. They are pushed
up by water pressure, but this is difficult during an earthquake
when the control rods are shaking. In Fukushima during the
recent earthquake, the rods were ‘fortunately’ inserted and the
nuclear reactor stopped. The Japanese people were not informed of
this fact. The second weakness of BWR lies in its circulation
pump, which circulates the water inside a pressure vessel. In
the BWR structure, the circulation pump is hanging outside the
pressure vessel. For this reason BWR is extremely vulnerable to
vibration caused by an earthquake. A circulation pump has the
important function of cooling down the nuclear fuel rods. The
reason they failed to cool down the nuclear fuel rods in
Fukushima lies in this structural weakness of the circulation
pump. We Japanese people were not informed of this fact.
2. Emergency generator taken away by Tsunami
In a normal situation, nuclear reactors are run by power
generated by the nuclear power plant itself. When a nuclear
power plant stops at the time of an earthquake, this internal
power runs out first. When the internal power is exhausted,
power is supposed to be supplied through power cables connected
to external power sources. However, due to the earthquake this
failed. In the case of a such a failure, an emergency diesel
generator is supposed to be switched on. But the huge Tsunami
had taken away the building where the generator was stored.
Tokyo Electric Power Co. hid this important fact simply because
the generator did not function. The battery ran out shortly,
halting power, and thus the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
stopped functioning, leading to a total power failure. A similar
serious incident of a power failure had already happened on the
17 June in 2010 in Fukushima Daiichi reactor No.2. They left it
as it was without taking any measures.
3. Why massive leakage of radioactive substance?
We are not informed of what kinds of fuel are used in nuclear
plants. One of the fuels used is Uranium fuel and today a high
4.8% concentration level of Uranium is used. It is called high
reaction fuel. When you burn the high reaction fuel, the level
of radioactivity of radioactive fallout increases. Furthermore,
spent high reaction fuel produces more decay heat than low bun up
fuel. Fukushima Daiichi No.3 nuclear reactor uses high reaction
fuel of Uranium together with Plutonium fuel. Plutonium burns
harder than Uranium and, therefore, the level of radioactivity of
radioactive fallout is high, and so is the temperature of decay
heat from spent fuel. Massive radioactive substance was emitted
when the reactor containment exploded, and hydrogen was produced
because the used fuel contained a high quantity of radioactive
fallout. A high level of 400 mSv was measured around the
Fukushima Daiichi reactor No.3, because high reaction Uranium
fuel and Plutonium were used. Japanese people were not informed
of this fact. The devastating risk of the radioactive fallout
was hidden.
4. Spent nuclear fuel exploded
Hydrogen was produced from the spent nuclear fuel stored in a
pool at the Fukushima Daiichi reactor No.4, and three of them
exploded. Why it did explode? Another truth was hidden about
this explosion. Nuclear plants produced massive amounts of
radioactive fallout. In Japan storage of such spent nuclear fuel
has become a big problem. Due to the absence of storage
facilities, when the earthquake happened, the pools were packed
with radioactive fallout. Thus the amount of decay heat released
from spent nuclear fuel was much higher. Because of the power
failure, it was no longer possible to circulate the water in the
pool. As a result, the water in the pool gradually evaporated,
spent nuclear fuel was exposed above water level, and hydrogen
was produced from the decay heat and exploded. In other words
radioactive fallout was packed in the pool beyond its storage
capacity, and this led to a greater damage. They hid information
of this fact from Japanese people.
5. The difference between internal and external exposure
Hydrogen explosions happened several times, and radioactive
fallout is falling in Fukushima region, which is gradually
reaching Tokyo. But experts on nuclear power, the government
and the media are repeating that there is no risk to human
health. In their explanation they continue deceiving the people
by stressing that the level of radioactivity released in the air
is much lower than the exposure received from X-rays. Exposure
from outside, such as from x-rays, is called external exposure.
What is a greater concern for health is internal exposure,
because in internal exposure we inhale radioactive substances and
are exposed inside the body. Both the government and experts are
deliberately treating internal and external exposures are the
same, deceiving Japanese people by saying that there is no harm
to human health.
6. The risk of internal exposure
External exposure is a momentary exposure. If the amount of
radioactivity is high, the risk of cancer gets higher. On the
other hand in case of internal exposure the radioactive substance
is gradually accumulated in the body over a long period of time.
In this process immune cells are destroyed and genetic cells are
harmed. Therefore, even a small quantity of radioactivity can
affect health. In case of internal exposure cancer develops 10
or 20 years after exposure. What is scary with internal exposure
is that if we inhale tiny dust which is invisible, the risk of
developing cancer grows without us knowing about it. The
government, experts and the media have not informed the people of
this risk.
>From Japan’s tragedy to the global tragedy
Many people are exposed to radioactive substances without knowing
it. Children are at higher risk. The genetic damage to children
affected by internal exposure will harm their health 10 or 20
years later. Our tragedy has just started. It has started but
people in Japan have not been informed of these potential risks.
Japanese people are not able to save their own people. Many
people in Japan are appealing to the government on the tragedy.
But the government does not tell us the truth. The tragedy of
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant is already developing to a
global disaster. I am appealing to the people in the world. I
sincerely appeal to the world that all the nuclear power plants
should be closed down.
Takeichi Saito was born in 1953 in Iwanai, Hokkaido, Japan. He
is the representative of “Iwanai Nuclear Power Plant Study
Group”. He has been measuring the temperature of sea water
near the Tomari Nuclear Power Plant in Iwanai every day in order
to study the impact of the Tomari Nuclear Power Plant on the sea.
On the 28 March 2011, we will celebrate the 33th anniversary of
his activity on water measurement. He is a self learnt barefoot
scientist who published articles and books on nuclear power
plant, its impact on the nature and people’s lives. He is
trained and has worked as a nursery teacher. Today he runs a
small private tutoring school in Iwanai.
(This article was translated into English by the temporality
named ‘Citizen’s Support Network Hokkaido’ which was set up on
the 16 March 2011 in Sapporo ? a group of people who are
concerned over the devastating situation in the areas recently
hit by the earthquake in Japan).
北海道岩内原発研究会代表 斉藤武一 (2011年3月16日)
終わりに 日本の悲劇から世界の悲劇へ
パレスチナ連帯・札幌 代表 松元保昭
〒004-0841 札幌市清田区清田1-3-3-19
TEL/FAX : 011−882−0705
E-Mail : y_matsu29@ybb.ne.jp
振込み口座:郵便振替 02700-8-75538
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