〒153-0042 東京都目黒区青葉台1-5-4
電話: 03-3770-8022/3FAX: 03-3770-8021 Eメール: egyptemb@leaf.ocn.ne.jp
執務時間: 9:00 〜 17:00 (月曜 〜 金曜)
領事部(窓口営業時間): 9:00 〜 12:00 (月曜 〜 金曜)
電話: 03-3770-8022/3(13:30 〜 17:00)FAX: 03-3770-8021
His Excellency Dr. Walid Mahmoud Abdelnasser
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Japan
TEL:03-3770-8022/3 FAX:03-3770-8021
Stand With Egyptian People Struggling For Democracy
Your Excellency:
I am seriously anxious about the Egyptian people struggling for democracy. It seems that a private army of the Government is exercising military forces against the peaceful demonstrators in part to make a cause to officially crackdown the demonstration.
I sincerely call on you to take all necessary measures to stop such military actions.
Respectfully yours,
Mitsumasa Ohta
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